New Chapter
Created by sami 13 years ago
born in 1944 as the 3rd oldest of 7 children she wa always a poorly child bu that didn let let that stop her , sh wasa loyaa loving daughter and a supprtiv sister andon her sick days she would read and listen to her brothers recod player , she met in fell in love with a man the name william kacmarek and the had ourhgt a lovely home an raised 3 boys glen tony and bruce again nana was poorly as the boys grew up facing cance and kidney problems , that ddnt stop hernot only did she raise her boys she raised there friend to , teens that knew nothing of maternal love paddy gave at to them adoptingte into the family and into her heart, thes tens grew into adults , adults who now kne unconditional love and now knew how to give uncnditional love , they made alife for themselfs all because paddy stuck by through thick and thin and belived in them with all her heart, her adoptedchildren inturn gave her her beuitful grandchild grandchildren her tresures the peopleher made her eys sparkleeve more thanbefore, and mesami arnold im lucky anough to be 1 of hose lucky feher have the onor to call her nana or in my case nnabanana , nana always said it takes aspecial person t be he gandchild as se picked us from birth as she was not gifted biological grandchildrn , , nana is was th most amazingperson to b around , there wasnever a dull moment with her and she always spoilt yu roten , if it was dong artsor crafts or board games it was road trips and ice crea cones and many are we ther yets from us kids, nana s hugs can cure most things and shewa always here was thr through al the good tmes cheering us on in he sdelines at sports or helping us with life leasons but she was there veen more in the bd times,she was the soulder to cry on the person to wipe your tears and help you over come your fears the 1 you wen towhen you re scare of th dark or simply jst scared he armswere the safty net that made everthing bette, i got to spend all the time with naa in the last years in her life she was gtting sicker but she always had a smile on her face and always said hankyou even in her diing days, she had to be hooked up to a ialisis machine that made her 1kidney work , it could of been a dreary time for he bu we made it fun telling jokes dong crossords or just simply cattn about everything and anything , her stors wee th best and i could listen to them for hours , late la lastyear and arlier this year nana ade the brave and tuch desion to stop dalisis it wa makng her her sicker and weaker she wante t spnd the last monhs that she had ith family and friends wanted to make the most of what tie shehad left and boy dd she d that! with nanas never give up attidude her last montswere filled to th brim with fn laughter and love surrounded by herloved ones jut the way she liked it, she ws getting scker and slowly dieing but she still smiled and alway said thankyou , again i spend my time with her talking and as she got sickr jut holding er hand i knew hertime as coming so i drunk up all i could of herbeautiful soul her soft hans kind yesans always smiling face i made a vow that i would mak something of my self an be a good mothe and wife someday justlike her nd jst like her iant t touch asmany hearts as i can becauseana knew what life was all about that lie was for learning and loving an giving loveas ot matirial posseions but the ple who yu have around you and no matter wht life brng dont ever giveup as someday when our time ha coome we will find each oher again in peace and harmony i love you nanayour free atasty wit the angels you have earnt your wings